Through UnitedHealthcare, UMR and HealthSCOPE Benefits creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files.
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100% Outdoor air systems DOAS, split systems DOAS, heat pumps
Advanced energy efficient air handling systems
Wall and indoor mount air conditioners, gas/electric units, air to air heat pumps, water to air heat pumps including ventilation options.
Industrial and commercial make up air units, evaporative cooling systems, heating systems, customizable products available
Modular chiller systems specialized to meet chiller redundancy needs and difficult access or site replacement requirements, simultaneous heating and cooling heat pump chillers.
Dedicated desiccant air-supply units provide low-humidity conditions necessary to maintain a dry environment. Food Processing, hospital and surgical suites, ice arena, mobile rental, etc.
Commercial geothermal and water, source heat pumps horiz / vert / console & rooftop heat pumps, and energy recovery units.
Commercial, industrial, pool, and residential dehumidifiers; high efficiency 100% OSA dehumidifiers with optional energy recovery wheel.
UV light and carbon products that fight mold, bacteria, viruses and odors.
Packaged terminal air-conditioning and heat pump units
Direct and indirect fired makeup air units, combination heating and cooling units, commercial air handlers, and gas fired duct furnaces
World leader in HVAC heat pipe applications with complete lines of dehumidification wrap-around as well as energy recovery heat pipes.
Design options include hydronic or DX coils, integral energy recovery, multi fan technology with multiple cabinet configuration to fit project needs
Replacement steam coils, evaporator coils, booster coils, condenser coils, industrial coils.
Heavy Duty Make Up Air Systems & Batch Ovens
Bendable Copper Piping Solutions
Mini-splits, multi-splits, and full VRF line with up to 44 tons in single system all with the best engineering, soft- ware and warranty in the industry
STULZ is the world's leading solution provider of energy efficient temperature and humidity management technology, specifically for mission critical applications.
Trusted by commercial HVAC professionals, TempMaster® leads the industry with proven commercial products and solutions.
Fume/lab hood controllers (VAV and constant volume) room pressure monitors and controllers.
Through UnitedHealthcare, UMR and HealthSCOPE Benefits creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files.
To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided: